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MARCH 19, 2025


March 25

The Intersection of Juvenile and Education Law

March 27

Neumann Lecture with Josh Koskoff

April 7

Bacon Series with Fulbright Scholar Leah Ndimurwimo


Many law firms and in-house legal departments have begun to incorporate generative AI into their practices. Some courts and judges have set practices for its use in litigation. Last summer, the American Bar Association issued its first ethics guidance on the use of AI.

Still, we remain in the early stages of understanding and using AI in the legal profession. This week, we feature Prof. Andrew Coan and AI assistant Claude in a conversation about AI in constitutional interpretation. Scholarship like Prof. Coan’s plays an important role as the legal profession continues to adopt AI tools.




Judgment, Technology and the Future of Legal Interpretation: A Q&A with Professor Andrew Coan and Claude

Can artificial intelligence interpret the U.S. Constitution? It sounds like a question from a sci-fi novel, but it’s an issue that has become a pressing reality. Professor Andrew Coan, the Milton O. Riepe Chair in Constitutional Law at Arizona Law, takes on this topic in a new article, “Artificial Intelligence and Constitutional Interpretation,” co-authored by Professor Harry Surden from the University of Colorado. Their work explores not only what large language models (LLMs) can do in legal analysis but also the deeper questions of whether AI should play a role in constitutional interpretation at all.

To put AI’s capabilities to the test, Claude—an advanced LLM—was asked to respond to interview questions about the article on Prof. Coan’s behalf, with Prof. Coan later reviewing and reacting. The AI responses and Prof. Coan’s reactions offer a unique look at how well AI understands constitutional interpretation and where it falls short.

While he clarified certain points from the AI interview, Prof. Coan called the responses “shockingly good.” “In nearly every respect, they track the argument of the paper faithfully,” Prof. Coan noted.

An excerpt from Claude’s responses is below. For more, see the full story.

Arizona Law: Do you see a future where AI plays an influential role in shaping constitutional law? Will constitutional interpretation always require human involvement?

Claude (on behalf of Andrew Coan): While AI will certainly play an increasingly important role in constitutional law, particularly in research and analysis, I believe meaningful constitutional interpretation will continue to require human judgment. This isn’t just because of current technological limitations - it reflects the inherently normative nature of constitutional decision-making. That said, the influence of AI is likely to grow significantly, especially in routine cases where resource constraints make algorithmic assistance particularly valuable.

The key is understanding that AI doesn’t eliminate the need for human judgment - it transforms how and where that judgment is exercised. Even if LLMs eventually surpass human capabilities in many aspects of legal analysis, the choice to delegate constitutional decisions to them would itself be a profound normative judgment requiring careful justification.


January in Tucson 2025 Welcomes Indigenous Leaders for Critical Dialogue on Indigenous Governance

A partnership between the Arizona Law Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy (IPLP) Program and the University of Arizona Native Nations Institute (NNI), the January in Tucson (JIT) accelerated education event brings together distinguished faculty in the field of Indigenous governance, law and policy for an opportunity to teach and hold discussions with Indigenous leaders, practitioners, community members and anyone interested in Indigenous rights.

The 2025 edition of JIT welcomed 82 participants from across the globe, with 91.5% being Indigenous.

One of the founding JIT faculty members, Professor Steven Cornell, taught for the last time at JIT. Prof. Cornell, an Arizona Law faculty affiliate, founded the NNI in 2000. He served as Director of the University of Arizona Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy from 1998-2016.

“From the beginning of the program, I’ve been struck by how much participants in our classes learn from each other,” said Prof. Cornell.

Neumann Lecture: Legal Challenges in Mass Tragedy Litigation

Attorney Josh Koskoff will deliver this year’s Peter Chase Neumann Lecture on Civil Justice on Thursday, March 27. Koskoff has represented clients including families of Sandy Hook victims in high-profile litigation.

In his talk, “Guns, Greed, and Grooming: What Sandy Hook and Uvalde Have Taught Me About the Making of an American Epidemic,” Koskoff will share insights from his extensive legal experience, discussing the complexities and challenges of litigating high-profile cases related to mass shootings while exploring the broader implications of these cases on public safety and corporate responsibility.

When: Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 12:15-1:15 p.m. (MST)

Where: The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, Room 168, 1201 E. Speedway

Who may attend: This event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited and available to those who have registered prior to the event.

See the full story to learn more.


Bacon Speaker Series to Address “The Future of Asylum in Africa and Beyond”

There are over 120 million forcibly displaced people worldwide, 43.4 million of whom the United Nations considers to be “refugees.” Climate change is also a major contributor to the problem. At the same time, anti-immigrant and immigration restrictionism is on the rise. Can existing legal frameworks withstand these growing pressures and political shifts?

On April 7, Associate Professor Leah Ndimurwimo of Nelson Mandela University, a visiting Fulbright Research Scholar at Arizona Law, will address this question as part of the Bacon Immigration Law & Policy Program Speaker Series. The discussion will focus on developments in South Africa, Tanzania and Malawi. Professor Lynn Marcus will moderate and provide information on similar issues and trends in the United States.

When: Monday, April 7, 2025, 12:00-1:15 p.m. (MST)

Where: The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, Room 164, 1201 E. Speedway, or via Zoom

Who may attend: This event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided. Please register to attend in-person by noon on Thursday, April 3, 2025.

In-Person Registration
Zoom Registration


How a Trump effort to cut environmental red tape could backfire

Grist, featuring Justin Pidot


Sacred Promises: Truth and Treaty

All My Relations Podcast, featuring Robert A. Williams Jr.

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The University of Arizona has been providing legal education for more than a century. Through changes in law, technology and society, we have trained future lawyers for continuing transformation in the profession and society at large. We will continue to evolve and explore.



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